The following books have been useful to clients throughout the years and it's hoped that you'll be able to find some use in them, as well. These readings are not designed to be replacements for a therapist, so you should seek the aid of a professional if you're feeling emotionally overwhelmed, but they can at least be a good start to getting on the road to emotional well-being. If you've got the extra cash for a nifty little device, might we recommend getting a Kindle for your books? There's nothing like being able to take a few minutes to get yourself reading without having to carry around a big stack of books. You'll also get the benefit of being discrete about what you're actually reading. They are not cheap, but worth the price of a cable bill for month!
Mindfulness Readings
Mindfulness in Plain English : This book is available for free as a download but you can get it in hard copy, as well. It's affordable and a nice introduction to mindfulness practice.
The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh. It's one of the first books on mindfulness you should read. Simple and clear with lots of practical application.
The Mindful Way Through Depression. We have linked to the hardback version of this book because it includes an audio CD with some mindfulness practices. It's a fantastic book that we highly recommend.
DBT-Related Readings
Skills Training Manual The skills training manual for DBT group. It's getting a little old now, but the skills presented in it are timeless. Highly recommended for all patients or people just interested in learning about DBT.
Original DBT Text. This is the original textbook where Linehan fleshes out, for the therapist, DBT. Dense and informative, an absolute must for any therapist who claims to be doing DBT or for patients who want to know what to expect.
DBT in Private Practice. A useful guide for moving DBT out of the "ivory tower" that is academia and into the real world of private practice therapists. This is where I am in my career and I've found the book to be somewhat helpful. Not essential, but a good guide.
The High Conflict Couple: A Dialectical Behavior Therapy Guide to Finding Peace, Intimacy, & Validation. This is a brand new book written by a pioneer in DBT especially for couples who are having lots of conflict or in which one partner has difficulty with emotion regulation. With a foreword by Marsha Linehan.
Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life I've never used this skills training manual but I have heard very good things from my colleagues and patients who've tried it in the past. Another perspective on DBT skills, and a more updated manual, can be a good thing.